now archive signers to the guestbook get personalized 8 X 10s leave me notes, i mean it. stealth d sk8b0 ¤ the §ë¢®Ë†

^ (n a v i g a t e) ^

� whisper campaign �

12:43 p.m., 2002-03-26

so yes, the rumors are true. i am in yet another band.

it has become official as of yesterday when we decided to name ourselves when we reached the five song mark. once again, i am roped into the unenviable task of singing and playing guitar. my singing resembles something like a cross between a crashing automobile and a pile of exploding manure. i am a rock and roll cliche.

lovely and lefty.

so we recorded what we have and will take it from there. i heard something about burning cd's from the drummer, but i payed little attention because i'm such an analog nerd. had i heard the word 'tapes' my ears would have perked right up.

i'll send copies to people who might be down in the dumps so you can have a good hearty laugh at my expense. send your orders kids. on a good day i might not be too embarassed to send stuff. i aim to please.

since i have injured privates it made it interesting to sing, so if you ever get your hands on a copy of it bear this fact in mind.

(if you intend on even having a chance at getting a copy, you'll have to surrender an address. these are the rules. for now.)


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