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� the great hellbroth debate �

12:28pm, 2001-02-22

yes, today was a school day. and today provided me with a prime example of how the money i pay to attend the fine institution of higher learning of which i am a student is utterly wasted on discussions that are not only educationally useless, but are painfully boring to sit through.

as if i could care to know the differences between two coffee retailers...

i loathe coffee.

the rugged stench of liquid addiction wafts throughout the halls of academia and permeates the fiber of today's higher education system. coffee; the repulsive-tasting, foul-smelling, socially accepted panacea for the languid has become a pandemic in these doomed days of lightning-speed paces and last-one-done-is-a-rotten-egg attitudes. coffee, to me, smells like filtered liquid dirt which at one time or another has come into contact with the business end of a cesspool.

it is equally disgusting that those charged with the modest task of educating the youth of this country can be openly seen imbibing this gut-rotting, mind-numbing hellbroth right alongside their students. it is likewise no less appalling that there can be a discussion comparing and/or contrasting the two most prominent stimulant peddlers, Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts. the mere fact that there can be a debate is a testament to the fact that we need to take back control over our respective states of mind and rise up against those who say that they cannot function without their morning dose of Colombian Brown and let them feel the pain and anguish of withdrawal.

let them then say that they can quit any time they want.

having never frequented either establishment in question for the purpose of procuring coffee, it is impossible for a valid opinion to be formed. i do not have nor have i ever had the desire to drink a single cup of coffee. the thought of it sends shudders of disgust down my spine. the only observation (albeit a superficial one) which can be made is that Starbucks is aiming to appeal to a higher class of consumer while Dunkin' Donuts is meant to appeal to the masses. a cursory glance, however, tells this consumer to keep both of these pernicious forces at arms' length with both hands. therefore, it will have to suffice for me to sit aside and watch helplessly as the innocent and callused alike throw their hard-earned money away on a thoroughly abused substance that does nothing but speed up the heart rate and increase the urine output by four-hundred percent among many other ill-advised effects.

like sheep to a slaughter.

godspeed to all of you hopeless, doomed addicts.


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