now archive signers to the guestbook get personalized 8 X 10s leave me notes, i mean it. stealth d sk8b0 ¤ the §ë¢®Ë†

^ (n a v i g a t e) ^

� an explanation i can't give �

4:42 p.m., 2002-06-25

for your viewing (dis)pleasure i confuse myself on a regular basis. the mixed signals you receive originate from a source so addled and so devoid of clarity that the fact that they reach you is a testament to the fact that they should be disregarded.

i don't mean to step to a side of the fence.

i used to effortlessly imagine things the way i did long ago and i would create a world of inclusion of you and postures of exclusion of the world.

you're overly sensitive to the fact that i am careful. i caught myself before i was caught. taking things as they come is how i want it to happen. my posturing and the forcing of my indifference to bridges over gaps that five years ago would have gone unabridged.

there are things that i've felt and seen and heard which refuse to be ignored. when the surface of the ocean is struck, the ripples reach the shoreline signaling the smothering of the tumult. when the movement comes from within the ocean floor far below the surface the results become a naturally occurring phenomenon.

and it's so hard for me to give it a name...


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