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� the ongoing decline �

12:49 p.m., 2003-01-27

i live a muted existence in these overlapping yet incongruous days. i experience life in waves that only lap my ankles-- if i'm lucky. the day-to-day function of a being with such vague self-awareness can be described as coming in spurts, if at all.

at times the music i hear is in keys i don't recognize, the forms i draw take on unshaped and lifeless forms, my forays into civilization leave me asking if my variable is compatible with this equation...

my lack of eye contact bespeaks a distraction i've never come to define, and have never been able to diagnose. at times the level to which i elevate my thoughts usurps my ability to convey the meanings surrounding my flailing and floundering and blurted postulations.

things accumulate and choke off my ability to assign them relevance.

i see my mind going to waste in its entirety. i can see this happening to me. i can feel it. i know it and revile it and fear it.

but i can do nothing about it.

the accumulation and buildup has consumed what was left of me as a creative and functional human being and has left me deconstructed and destroyed and hollow like cakes of old abandoned greying honeycomb, with nothing left but a collapsing papery shell.

the waves lap and replenish, and they recede and desert. nothing stays the way it should

but honey never spoils.


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