now archive signers to the guestbook get personalized 8 X 10s leave me notes, i mean it. stealth d sk8b0 ¤ the §ë¢®Ë†

^ (n a v i g a t e) ^

� pretension. entry for entry's sake �

2:07 a.m., 2001-11-26

where does the line blur? can i even tell the knife from the wound anymore? it is difficult to admit that you have the capacity to resign yourself to nature's baser tendencies. what is it in us that forces us to knee-jerk react to our breaking point? self-destruction does not necessarily have to be a tangible, physical process.

it is only when we break a whole down that we can see it as a sum of parts, and it is only when we recognize the parts that we can identify the whole. a breakdown is oftentimes not only necessary, but imperative as well.

somehow now has become the time for me to break down (apparently feet first) and discover myself for what i have sadly become.

i guess this is where i finally become a homicidal sociopath.


according to 80's crime dramas, the clicking of an empty or malfunctioning gun has a magical way of eliciting stunning honesty from the individual in the direct line of misfire. when i was in 5th grade, a friend and i tried to score roles as extras on the show 'hunter' starring fred dryer. for some reason it was filming in boston. we didn't make it.


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