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� (fastforward) pining for the vernal equinox �

1:35 a.m., 2002-09-13

once again i can feel autumnal hellpains infiltrating my (relatively) happy go lucky demeanor. it's closing in upon me as it does every year around this time, reliving those condensed and intense emotions... themes i avoid until their anniversaries or (un)mitigating circumstances. for short periods of time the wounds fester and become open, like annual stigmata.

it's like i know that there's an alligator atacking boats around the riverbend. i can see the telltale violent ripples happening in on the surface but i have yet to come into view of it so i'm not quite sure what to expect or how badly i will be affected.

all i know is it;s coming, and it's never good.

this season is called fall because i fall apart.


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